Posted by Deneb on January 5, 2007, at 21:13:28
Fallsfall came up with a great idea to keep me studying. I'll write down my homework for each day and then report back to check them off. You guys will keep me accountable right? :-)
Important Dates So far:
Jan. 25 Enviro Science Quiz 1
Feb. 9 Molecular Evol Midterm I
Feb. 15 Enviro Science Quiz 2
Mar. 14 Molecular Evol Midterm II
Mar. 15 Enviro Science Quiz 3
April 5 Enviro Science Quiz 4
For Sat. Jan. 6, 2007Print notes for Environmental science
Print notes for Conservation biology
Print notes for Molecular Evolution
Enviro Sci: Read Sect. 3.6 to 3.9
Enviro Sci: Write out Q and A's for first lecture
Molec. Evol: Write out Q and A's for first lecture
Conservation: Write out Q and A's for first lecture
Organic Chem: Write out Q's and A's for 10 pages of notes
Organic Chem: Go through Q's twice
Plant Physiology: Print out notes
Plant Physiology: Write Q and A's for first lecture