Posted by shelley on March 6, 1999, at 23:16:58
In reply to Re: Delayed Sleep Phase, posted by Pat on March 6, 1999, at 8:48:24
> Shelly - I was on triavil for sleep problems for about six years. When the doctor wanted me to go off it, I had terrible insomnia like I had never had before - even before all meds. He put me on ativan just to get over withdrawal from triavil and while we tried to find an ad that would work for my sleep problems. We never did find an ad I could tolerate, and I got sick of trying. So for the last week, I stopped taking all meds, including ativan. Of couse, now I can't sleep at all. Is that what you're experiencing? Is this terrible insomnia the result of going off antianxiety drugs for sleep? Do you know how long it will last, if that is what it is? My brain just won't shut off, no matter how drowsy I am. I'm not even thinking about problems, etc. Just laying there aware and empty.Pat - The insomnia is insane. I sleep 3 - 4 nights out of the week. Every night is a crap shoot....will I sleep or just "rest" all night. I hate getting up for school and driving downtown for classes on only one hour of sleep. The withdrawal steps down seem to last a week before my body settles down. I talked to my doc a few days ago because I was going "nuts". She said "hang in there," and that we will discuss in-patient withdrawing next week in person, to see if this would be easier. I have been told not to expect to ever sleep well, and to get used to living with what energy I've got. I'm in the midst of this one and at a loss for ideas, just following dr.'s orders and keeping a ready supply of klonopin on hand as needed. I'm tapering my sleep meds, but not the knonopin yet. May never. Just laying there aware and empty, I'm with ya! -SHell