Posted by Bradley on November 12, 2000, at 11:49:46
I have tried it before without it helping. Going to give it another try at a higher dose.(50 mg's)
I am waiting on an order of amisulpride and modafinil.
Ive become more and more doubtfull if I will find something to help until my form of depression is understood. I read very interesting posts here and elsewhere, from so many remarkable and intelligent people(way beyond my IQ I am sure), but it disturbs me
when theory's are stated as fact. For example the idea that imabalances in the neurtransmitters are the cause of depression. This is just a theory that has been around for 50 years and still is unproven. Current research in the understanding of neurosteriods, androgens,the HPA axis, and endocrine system overall,
makes the current popular theory's of neurotrsmitters role in depression rather unlikely for many if not most forms of depression. So much is just unknown.
Buying into a theory that is increasingly loseing credibility, can't be of any benefit. It seems to me anyway. I'm curious what others think. Thanks