Posted by Lynne on March 15, 2001, at 21:10:51
In reply to Re: Selegiline Combos: Lorraine, posted by AndrewB on March 15, 2001, at 10:21:57
I am confused about dosages. At what doseage do you need to take for depression? I had tried Selegiline a year ago at 30mg with no success. After reading these posts I have decided to try it again. This time at 60mg. I have taken this doseage for 2 days. It has made me so sleepy and moody. Any advice?
Thanks so much,
> The selegiline/mirapex combo is used often by PD patients, so it should be safe. I have taken selegiline and neurontin together without problem. I'm weak on pharmacological interreactions between meds. but I researched carefully low dose selegiline interactions. Possible complications seem limited to selegiline and MAOIs and (very occassionally) serotenergic agents. I haven't heard any reports on the mirapex/selgiline combo on mood and anxiety so if you do try mirapex as an add-on I would very much like to hear what your response is.
> I have one small suggestion. 5 mg/day (and possibly even 2.5mg./day) of selegiline is able to achieve full MAO-B inhibition. The only difference is it takes a number of days longer to achieve this steady state full inhibition with the lower doses. I mention this not only because it is a little cheapeer to use the lower doses, but because selegiline even at small doses converts to amphetamine. That is selegline metabolizes to amphetamine at all dosages but as the dosage is increased, the metabolite increases, possibly linearly. Anyway since amphetamine can cause anxiety, and the MAO-B inhibition is what results in the desired effect from low dose selegiline, taking a lower dose may be produce noticeably less anxiety but have the same positive effect on motivation and vitality. I take 5mg./day.
> AndrewB