Posted by Cateb on May 20, 2001, at 17:56:06
In reply to Anxiety/Depression/Arousal/Satiation, posted by PuraVida on May 18, 2001, at 23:46:25
Hi, These kinds of symptoms were similar to those I experienced when I first was diagnosed with Bipolar II as opposed to *simple* depression. As I understand the diagnosis classification, the mania is hypomania, not frank mania and there is a lot of "mixed state". I was churning, restless yet indecisive and could be in a manic, anxious and depressed state all at once. Yet I am a leader, ran a division of a company and was overwhelmed by everything. I didn't think it was possible to have such a contradictory set of conditions until I lived it.
The typical drug cocktail for this condition is an anti-depressant or two (I was on Zoloft and Wellbutrin), a mood stabilizer (an anti-seizure medication such as depakote, neurontin or topamax) and an anti-anxiety drug (a benzo). Beware: This treatment is virtually the opposite of the treatment for ADD, with which others on this thread have identified the symptoms (easy to understand), which is treated with heavy stimulants. So be sure to get good professional help to get a sound diagnosis!! Also, carefully evaluate whether any of the medications you are on may be contributing to the mental state you are experiencing. That was the case with me, and when I eliminated Topamax and Wellbutrin my symptoms disappeared *entirely*. Now I don't even need to take Xanax. Your doctor may deny it, but if you have any legitimate reason to suspect (e.g. journal history etc) correlation of activating drugs such as Wellbutrin with onset of these symptoms, I would suggest that you wean yourself off them with the supervision of your current or a new doctor. Good luck.
> Could anyone share if they have any experience in what I'm trying to explain?
> First, I've been on Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Serzone, and most recently have been prescribed Serax for anxiety. I've always been more of a risk taker, leader, and general go-getter, but 5 years ago I started feeling overwhelmed to the point where I couldn't decide what to have for breakfast in the morning. I slept at least half the time, and had trouble stringing two "good" days together.
> I am realizing a pattern, finally, that I think has been ignored, and possibly mis-diagnosed as a depression only problem. Going back through my journals, and looking more closely at my feelings now, there is always this sense of fear, anxiety, and a general almost pyhsical sense of being uptight. I don't actually think these feelings to myself, it os more of a feeling. I seem to handle the anxiety with excessive food and alchohol (I've had periods of using either one or both to binge.) The excess seems to numb me, which I guess is why I do it.
> I seem to cycle through periods of being depressed (giving up) and back up to taking charge and feeling good about things, but then I get overwhelmed and I once again kind of "give up." The past few years these moods have been as often as every other day, to, lately, just alternating between the "overwhelmed and giving up" state. Whenever I get a good, motivated streak going (I don't feel manic - just positive and energetic) it can just end suddenly, and, despite how "normal" I felt the day before. However, increasingly I can't get the good motivated feeling - it is more of a anxious whirlwind of thoughts in my mind of things (fun, and tasks) that I could do, which quickly overwhelm me and I just give up. To explain more, when I give up, I stay in bed, and just can not get motivated to do a single thing. Often I wake up, and as soon I as become concious I'm aware that my heart is beating hard, and my mind is whirling with things to do before I get out of bed. Lately I can't get up, I fell so overwhelmed. This week I have started screening my calls even from friends and families - and not returing them - from experience I know this isn't a good sign.
> I suppose the questions are:
> 1) can anyone share similar experiences?
> 2) I still don't know how I can be so anxious and keyed up and so depressed and wanting to be sedated all in a matter of 42 or 36 hours. anyone know?
> 3) I'm on 500 mgs of Serzone now, have been on 600 and felt a lot more well-being, but was sleeping too much. Was recently given Serax for my first actual panic attack, and have found that it greatly helped me (at first) with the binge eating/drinking. Anyone know of any drug combos with Serzone that could help with the anxiety, without sedation?
> Finally, I am reading a book called Natural Prozac by Dr. Joel Robertson. I am a big believer in trying everything you can in living with this, and not looking for just one answer - I think it's a combo. Anyhow, Robertson talks about Arousal based depression, and Satiation based depression, and diet and exercise programs for each type. (I can't figure out what type I am)
> Has anyone read this book?
> Thanks for reading my long post - any and all comments/experiences I'd love to hear.