Posted by Fuscia on July 18, 2002, at 12:48:54
In reply to Re: BarbaraCat-chocolate/PEA looks like.. » Fuscia, posted by BarbaraCat on July 18, 2002, at 0:49:51
Hi Barbara,
Then you'll have to go to this link plus check out the links at this page:
Neural oxytocinergic systems book I checked out on Fibromyalgia suggested oxytocin for muscle spasms I believe, but I'm not certain of that. Here is some info you might find interesting.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (excerpt from "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by Phyllis Balch, CNC, and James Balch, M.D.
Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disorder characterised by chronic achy muscular pain that has no obvious physical cause. It most commonly affects the lower back, the neck, the shoulders, the back of the head, the upper chest, and/or the thighs, although any area or areas of the body may be involved. The pain is usually described as burning, throbbing, shooting, and stabbing. The pain and stiffness is often greater in the morning than at other times of day, and it may be accompanied by chronic headaches, strange sensations in the skin, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, and temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ). Other symptoms often experienced by people with fibromyalgia include premenstrual syndrome, painful periods, anxiety, palpitations, memory impairment, irritable bladder, skin sensitivities, dry eyes and mouth, a need for frequent changes in eyeglass prescription, dizziness, and impaired coordination. Such activities as lifting and climbing stairs are often very difficult and painful. Depression is frequently part of the picture as well. The most distinctive feature of fibromyalgia, however, is the existence of certain "tender points"--nine pairs of specific spots where the muscles are abnormally tender to the touch:
-Around the lower vertebra of the neck.
-At the insertion of the second rib.
-Around the upper part of the thigh bone.
-In the middle of the knee joint.
-In muscles connected to the base of the skull.
-In muscles of the neck and upper back.
-In muscles of the mid-back.
-On the side of the elbow.
-In the upper and outer muscles of the buttocks.Most people with fibromyalgia also have an associated sleep disorder known as alpha-EEG anomaly. In this disorder, the individual's deep sleep periods are interrupted by bouts of waking-type brain activity, resulting in poor sleep. Some people with fibro are plagued by other sleep disorders as well, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, bruxism, and sleep myoclonus (a sudden rapid contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles during sleep or as one is falling asleep). Not suprisingly, given all these sleep difficulties, people with fibromyalgia often suffer from chronic fatigue that can range from mild to incapacitating.
This disorder is much more common in females than in males, and most often begins in young adulthood. In most cases, symptoms come on gradually and slowly increase in intensity. They can be triggered (or made worse) by a number of different factors, including overexertion, stress, lack of exercise, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, trauma, extremes of temperature and/or humidity, and infectious illness. In the majority of cases, symptoms are severe enough to interfere with normal daily activities; a significant number of people with fibro are actually disabled by the condition. The course of the disorder is unpredictable. Some cases clear up on their own, some become chronic, and some go through cycles of flare-ups alternating with periods of apparent remission.
The cause or causes of fibromyalgia are not known. Some evidence points to a problem with the immune system; certain immunologic abnormalities are common among people with fibromyalgia. Their significance and relationship to the syndrome are not understood, however. A disturbance in brain chemistry may also be involved; many people who develop fibro have a history of clinical depression. Other possible causes that have been proposed include infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the virus that causes infectious mononucleosis, or with the fungus Candida albicans; chronic mercury poisoning from amalgam dental fillings; anemia, parasites, hypoglycemia; and hypothyroidism. Some experts believe that fibro may be related to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which causes similar symptoms, except that in fibromyalgia, muscle pain predominates over fatigue.
Because malabsorption problems are common in people with this disorder, higher than normal doses of all supplemental nutrients are needed. Wherever possible, it is best to use sublingual vitamins and other supplements because they are more easily absorbed than tablets or capsules.
CoEnzyme Q10 (75mg daily) Improves oxygenation of all tissues, enhances the effectiveness of the immune system, and
protects the heart.Acidophilus (as directed on label) Candida infection is common in people with fibro. Acidophilus replaces "friendly"
bacteria destroyed by candida. Use a non-dairy formula. Store in the refrigerator.Lecithin (as directed on label, with meals) Promotes energy, enhances immunity, aids in brain function, and improves
circulation.Malic acid -the stuff that makes apples sour (as directed on label) and magnesium Involved in energy production in many
cells of the body, including the muscle cells. Magnesium is needed for sugar metabolism.Manganese (5mg daily, take separately from calcium) Influences the metabolic rate by its involvement in the
pituitary-hypothalamic-thyroid axis.Proteolytic enzymes
Infla-Zyme Forte from American Biologics or Wobenzym N from Marlyn Nutraceuticals (as directed on label, 6 times daily,
with meals, between meals, and at bedtime) Reduces inflammation and improves absorption of foods, especially protein,
which is needed for tissue repair.Vitamin A (25,000 IU daily for one month, then slowly reduce to 10,000 IU daily. And
Vitamin E (800 IU daily for one month, then slowly reduce to 400 IU daily) Both powerful free radical scavengers that
protect the body's cells and enhance immune function. Use emulsion forms for easier assimilation.
ACES+Zinc from Carlson Labs (as directed on label) Contains vitamins A,C, and E plus the minerals selenium and zinc, to
protect immune function.Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (5,000-10,000mg daily) Has powerful antiviral effect and increases the body's energy level.
Use a buffered form.Very Important
Vitamin B complex injections (2cc twice weekly for 1 month, or as prescribed by physician) Essential for increased energy
and normal brain function. Injections (under doctor's supervision) are best. All injectables can be combined in a single
syringe. Plus extra
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, 1/4 cc twice weekly for 1 month or as prescribed by physician. And
Vitamin B12 (1 cc twice weekly for 1 month or as directed by physician) or Vitamin B12 (100mcg, on an empty stomach, to
help with iron absorption. Take with Blackstrap unsulphured molasses, 1 tbsp. daily, if blood test reveals you are
anemic--unsulphured molasses is a safe form of iron.Or,
Vitamin B complex (100mg 3 times daily, with meals) If injections are not available, or once the course of injections has
been completed, use a subligual form, and be sure to take any separate vitamin B12 on an empty stomach.Dimethylglycine (50mg 3 times daily) Enhances oxygen utilisation by the muscles and destroys free radicals that can damage
cells.Free-form amino acid complex (as directed on label) To supply protein essential for repair and rebuilding of muscle tissue
and for proper brain function. Use a formula containing all the essential amino acids.Grape seed extract (containing pycnogenols, as directed on label) A powerful antioxidant that protects the muscles from free
radical damage and enhances immunity.Garlic (Kyolic, 2 capsules 3 times daily, with meals) Promotes immune function and increases energy. Also destroys
common parasites. Plus
Kyo-Green from Wakanuga (as directed on label) To improve digestion and cleanse the bloodstream.Important
Calcium (2,000mg daily) Needed to balance with magnesium.
Magnesium (1,000 mg daily) Needed for proper functioning of all muscles, including the heart; relieves muscle spasms and
pain. Deficiency is common in people with this disorder.
Bone Support from Synergy Plus (as directed on label) Contains calcium and magesium plus other minerals to aid
absorption. PlusPotassium (99mg daily) Involved in proper muscle function. And
Selenium (200mcg daily) An important antioxidant. And
Zinc (50mg daily. Do not exceed a total of 100mg daily from all supplements) Needed for proper functioning of the immune
systemCapricin from Probiologic (as directed on label) To combat candida, which is associated with fibromyalgia.
DL-phenylalanine (DLPA, 500mg daily every other week) This form of phenylalanin amino acid can be very effective for
controlling pain. Also increases mental alertness. Caution: Do not take this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing, or
suffer from panic attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, or PKU.Essentail Fatty Acids (black currant seed oil, flaxseed oil, and primrose oil are good sources, as directed on label, 3 times
daily, with meals) Protects against cell damage. Helps to reduce pain and fatigue.Gamma-aminobutryic acid (GABA, or GABA Plus from Twinlab-contains a combination of GABA, inositol and
niacinamide, as directed on label) For proper control of brain function and to control anxiety.L-Leucine
L-valine(500mg each daily, on an empty stomach. Take with water or juice. Do not take with milk. take with 50mg of
vitamin B6 and 100mg of vitamin C for better absorption) These amino acids are found primarily in muscle tissue. They are
available in combination formulas.L-Tyrosine (500-1,000mg daily, at bedtime) Helps to relieve depression and aids in relaxing the muscles. Caution: Do not
take this supplement if you are taking an MAO inhibitor drug or SSRI-type antidepressant.Note on taking singular amino acids: Individual amino acids should not be taken for long periods of time. A good rule to
follow is to alternate the individual amino acids that fit your needs and back them up with an amino acid complex, taking the
supplements for two months and then discontinuing them for two months. A safe, daily alternative to amino acid complex
supplement is Nutritional yeast or Brewer's yeast--contains all essentail amino acids, plus trace minerals, and certain B
vitamins.Melatonin (as directed on label, 2 hours or less before bedtime) Promotes sound sleep. A sustained release formula is best.
Multivitamin and mineral complex plus natural carotenoids 15,000IU daily. All nutrients are necessary in balance. Use a
high-potency hypoallergenic formula.Taurine amino acid (500mg daily, on an empty stomach, same precaution applies as mentioned above concerning singular
amino acid therapy) An important antioxidant and immune system regulator necessary for white blood cell activation and
neurological function.Vanadyl sulfate (as directed on label) Protects the muscles and reduces overall body fatigue.
Astragulus and echinacea enhance immune function.
Teas brewed from burdock root, dandelion, and red clover promote healing by cleansing the bloodstream and enhancing
immune function. Combine or alternate these herbal teas, and drink 4 to 6 cups daily.Ginkgo biloba improves circulation and brain function.
Milk Thistle protects the liver.
Pau d' Arco, taken in tea or tablet form, is good for treating candida infection.
Skullcap and valerian root improve sleep.
Eat a well-balanced diet of 50 percent raw foods and fresh "live" juices. The diet should consist mostly of vegetables,
fruits, whole grains (primarily millet and brown rice), raw nuts and seeds, skinless turkey or chicken, and deep-water fish.
These quality foods supply nutrients that renew energy and build immunity.Eat four or five small meals a day to keep a steady supply of protein and carbohydrates available for proper muscle function.
If the body does not have enough fuel for energy, it will rob the muscles of essential nutrients, causing muscle wasting and
pain.Drink plenty of liquids to help flush out toxins. The best choices are steam-distilled water and herbal teas. Fresh vegetable
juices supply necessary vitamins and minerals.Limit your consumption of green peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and white potatoes. These foods contain solanine, which
interferes with enzymes in the muscles, and may cause pain and discomfort.Do not eat meat, dairy products, or any other foods that are high in saturated fats. Saturated fats raise cholesterol levels and
interfere with circulation. They also promote the inflammatory response and increase pain. Also avoid fried foods,
processed foods, shellfish, and white flour products such as bread and white pasta.Do not consume caffeine, alcohol, or sugar. Eating sugar in any form-including fructose and honey-promotes fatigue,
increases pain, and disturbs sleep. If these substances have been a regular part of your diet, your symptoms may actually get
worse for a short period as a result of the "withdrawal" effect, but after that, you should experience a noticeable improvement
in your condition.Avoid wheat and brewer's yeast until your symptoms improve (in case of allergy to these)
Maintain a program of moderate exercise. A daily walk followed by some gentle stretching exercises is good. If you have
been sedentary before, start slowly and be careful not to overexert yourself; this can aggravate symptoms. Keep in mind that
what you need is some amount of daily exercise, not a strenuous workout two or three times a week. Once your body is
accustomed to regular exercise, sysmptoms are likely to improve.Be sure to give your body sufficient rest. Set aside at least eight hours for sleep each night.
Take a hot shower or bath upon arising to stimulate circulation and help relieve morning stiffness. Or alternate between hot
water and cold water while showering. Recent studies have shown cold showers to be beneficial for relieving the pain of
fibromyalgia.Take chlorophyll in tablet form or in "green drinks" such as Kyo-Green from Wakunaga of America. Spiru-tein from Nature's
Plus is a good protein drink to use between meals to aid in maintaining energy levels and to reduce muscle pain.Considerations
Chronic pain sufferers, especially those with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, tend to be deficient in magnesium.
Common painkillers such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are not usually effective at relieving the pain of
fibromyalgia. Other approaches, including attention to diet, exercise, and nutritional supplementation, are more likely to be
of benefit.Food allergies can exacerbate the discomfort of many disorders.
Many different disorders can cause symptoms similar to those of fibro, including anemia, depression, hepatitis, and Lyme
disease, among others. Anyone who experiences muscular pain and/or fatigue that persists for longer than a week or two
should consult a health care provider. There may be an underlying medical disorder that requires treatment.Recent research points to the possible involvement of chemical and/or food sensitivities in fibro, CFS, and the pain
associated with these disorders. This would hardly be suprising, as humans have been exposed to more chemicals in the last
fifty years than in all the rest of our history combined.Because malabsorption problems are common in this disorder, all nutrients are needed in greater than normal amounts, and a
proper diet is essential.Many doctors prescribe low-dose antidepressants for fibro. These drugs can be beneficial in some cases, but can also cause
a number of side effects, such as drowsiness. Other medical treatments that may or may not be of helpt to any given
individual include muscle relaxants and/or local anesthetic sprays or injections for relief of pain. The antianxiety drug
lorazepam (Ativan) is sometimes prescribed as well. This drug can cause a loss of equilibrium.