Posted by Janelle on May 28, 2003, at 19:11:02
Brian and CubbyBear - each of you offered me great advice on the Klonopin taper and I have a follow-up question for each of you:
Brian - if it's not too much of a pain, because my brain is functioning at very low capacity, would you be so kind as to type out a weekly taper schedule for what you wrote out under my original post? I'm afraid I have some problems following it as you presented it. Thanks ever so much.
CubbyBear - you said you would reduce your Klonopin by .125 mg (I think each week?) well, pardon my stupidity but what does .125 equate to in terms of how much to cut from a 1mg pill? For example, I know that .5 means half (one would cut the pill in half) and .25 means one quarter, but what does .125 equal? Sorry to be so dumb. Thanks.