Posted by ed_uk on December 21, 2004, at 11:48:19
Has anyone ever suffered serious withdrawal symptoms from their prescribed stimulant? If so, did you take the stimulant as prescribed or did you misuse it by taking excessive doses? How did you cope with the withdrawal.
Stimulants are rarely prescribed to adults in the UK, I get the impression that stimulants are used much more frequently elsewhere.
Psychiatrists here tend to believe that there is a high risk that the prescription would be misused or that the patient would sell their medication. To what extent do you feel that this is true? Do you believe that stimulants are underprescribed or overprescribed in the country that you live in?
Have you ever been tempted to misuse your prescribed stimulant? Did you experience euphoria at the prescribed dose?
To quote the British National Formulary....
'Central nervous system stimulants include the amphetamines (notably dexamfetamine) and related drugs (e.g. methylphenidate). They have very few indications and in particular, should not be used to treat depression, obesity, senility, debility, or for relief of fatigue. The amphetamines have a limited field of usefulness and their use should be discouraged as they may cause dependence and psychotic states. They have no place in the management of depression or obesity.'