Posted by Meltingpot on November 19, 2009, at 16:34:30
I know that I am not severly depressed in the sense that I am not suffering from psychomotor retardation or completely slowed down by my depression and yet I still feel suicidal a lot of the time.
When I was mildly depressed and untreated between the age of 17 and 24 I never felt suicidal it is only when all of the symptoms came back at the age of 35 that I started to feel really suicidal. I'm not sure if I just had more hope between 17 and 24 and if it's just that now I feel enough is enough!
Can somebody who has mild depression feel suicidal and somebody with severe depression not feel suicidal?
I just don't really know what I suffer from anymore. If I'm depressed or just suffer from a complete lack of interest in life or in living.
I do know though that when I was on medication and feeling well I enjoyed life and felt interested in a lot of things.
I tried joining a dating internet agency but where it asks about interests I felt like putting "none", I had to make somethings up. All I'm interested in is finding something to make me interested again. It sounds so sad.