Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on November 11, 2011, at 15:53:50
I don't know how exactly this can be possible but I was watching something on TV the other day about a man who developed a immunity to snake venom and it had no effect on him when he was injected with it. I have the same problem exept this effects my health because I am immune to medications. I don't know if anyone here understands this but I am very tolerant to medications. Its like I develeloped this antibodie that causes them not to take effect. I have no effect from Prozac Wellbutrin and Zyprexa. It's very hard to put this in words but my body is either not absorbing them or is not passing the brain blood barrier or their is an immunity that has developed. I've tested this by taking some caffeine supplements and its confirmed I am very resistant to anything right now. Even a MAOI. I don't know what to do.
I don't think there is a awnser for this....because its too complicated and it has to be studied under some studies to be understood. I just don't know why my body react to mind altering substances. Maybe I should find some amphetamines too and try them ;) im joking.
It's ok if you don't have an awnser because I pretty much knew no one is going to know what is going on with this situation. I just wished I knew WHY this is happening.