Posted by tryingtobewise on November 28, 2004, at 22:43:46
In reply to My story, and I'm sticking to it, posted by Racer on November 28, 2004, at 11:56:53
Hi Racer, Noa & Carebear ~
Racer & Carebear, thanks for sharing your stories. It is good you are getting help & I can understand the resistance to accept adequate & abundant help. In my case it is a basic resistence to the idea that I need help.
My story is this:
Diagnosis of cyclothymia & ED NOS (which I guess is Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). I take Celexa & Lamictal. My weight is slightly above normal. My ed issues are that I a) have great difficulty eating meals. They make me feel too fat & "heavy" even though I definitely consume way more calories eating small amounts of sugary stuff all day long. b) I can't eat anything that tastes salty -- makes me worry too much about water retention. Even though I've never actually had much of a problem with water retention other than years ago when I was on the b.c. pill. c) I easily get obsessed with the scale and will weigh myself 20+ times a day. d) my fear of things that taste salty result in a desire to consume only "sweet" things.So yes, totally illogical & strange but because I don't starve or purge, it is difficult for me to view this as a disorder & not simply accumulated bad habits.
Thank you for sharing your stories & taking time to read this.