Posted by zazenducky on November 10, 2006, at 9:50:59
In reply to Perhaps there is another word we might seek, posted by 64Bowtie on November 9, 2006, at 19:37:44
Yes self respect is a good .I like acceptance too or reverence for life as a definition. It doesn't really work unless it's unconditional and extended to others too does it?
Namaste-the light in me salutes the light in you kind of idea
At the same time I think it's nice to have a place to celebrate small or big victories don't you? I think the programs that try to teach self esteem would do well to start with self respect and then teach goalsetting and skill building and using what you've got rather than just feeling good about whoever you happen to be.
> ESTEEM - Pronunciation[i-steem] –verb (used with object)
> 1. to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration: I esteem him for his honesty.
> 2. to consider as of a certain value or of a certain type; regard: I esteem it worthless.
> 3. Obsolete. to set a value on; appraise.
> –noun 4. favorable opinion or judgment; respect or regard: to hold a person in esteem.
> 5. Archaic. opinion or judgment; estimation; valuation.
> [Origin: 1400–50; late ME estemen, < MF estimer < L aestimāre to fix the value of]
> —Synonyms 1. honor, revere, respect. See appreciate. 4. favor, admiration, honor, reverence, veneration. See respect.
> —Antonyms 1. disdain.
> *************** Missing from this definition is the notion of such honor and reverence, of such favor, admiration and veneration being EARNED in the eyes of the admiring venerant... In medeival times, the king was held in high esteem by his subjects, whether said king was a just and noble and ethical person to begin with...
> We are left esteem, self or otherwise, having a magical and murky meaning... We are left without much to hold onto even if we have mountainous self-esteem... I, therefore, worry about the wasted motions of seeking out the murky and the magical, especially in absence of a good solid dose of self-respect... Also, when you go out in the world armed with self-respect, your success will be bountiful, because then you will attact others who sense your deep seated notions of your own worth...
> Recovery Bumper-Sticker: "Ya' can't give what ya' ain't got!"
> Note: You won't be true and accurate at respecting others until you are good at respecting yourself...
> Esteem is not a bad word, even though without self-respect, self-esteem has dificulty finding traction (like a tire with snow-chains) in our lives...
> Make my efforts focused on seeking self-respect; self-estemm will follow w/little or no effort...
> 1. Self-esteem is inevitable when we discover respect for ourselves...
> 2. Respect for others is nearly impossible w/out us having respect for ourselves first...
> Rod