Posted by Willyee on February 1, 2005, at 0:11:15 [reposted on February 1, 2005, at 18:56:47 | original URL]
In reply to I wish I would have known this a long time ago, posted by bruin on January 30, 2005, at 0:54:42
Excersise is good for your over all health,blood pressure cholestrol,heart and yeah the brain.
Can it help,im sure it makes one feel better to know they are living healther,that may be the pyscho part of it.
But however,if we are to believe that emotional disorders are some form of bio-chemical mishap,then like any other disease i wouldent see excersise replacing medicine.
I have lifted weights since age 16,at 26 still do,even weak i can press 300 pounds by what seems like habbit,i have incredable staminia.
This is how i was pre depression....and how it is now,and i never stopped working out.
Working out seems to be what "normal" people say to people with emotional disorders,its right there with "come on,go out be social snap out of it"
Yeah a good night out with friends might lift a mood for a day or two,but over all as much as i hate typing it,doesent do anything permananent.
That anxiety/depression/maniac/racing state of mind always returns.
Like i said i think its great to excersise,not only will it help you stay pyshicaly healthy,but if you dont not liking how you look or feel pyhscial can just agigitate depression,it sure dont help.I do however believe its harmful for people no one in particular but in general to encourage people to stop medication and just excersise.We are clueless whats going on,and if were even close to right,then a chemical misfunction of some sort in the brain is not a mild condition,you wouldent tell an epliteic patient to try stopping his meds work out,go out and keep his mind off his seizures,hes gonna have one regardless.
Now i dont feel my med is a med,but a drug,it is not curing anything,im not gonna one day say i think its gone now,and stop,like some kinda of rash cream.
When my drugs wear off,im sick again,so its tape,but i have gone without the tape,and without tape my life falls apart,so that tape comes in handy to keep everything togther,but its still tape,its not pretty and clean,its broken,with ugly masking tape,but the tape,its still needed and valuable.
P.S Maybe its me,but excersise increase adrenaline,i acutualy find after an excersise increase in anxiety,which is why i work out prior to taking meds,this way im not ruining them.But i find working out very agigtating to my condition,its looking good and recieving compliments thats a nice little lift :)I do find moving around helps,not excersise just chores around the house,keeping myself moving at a normal pace,laying down sometimes leads to a whole change in mood where i wont get back up.I dunno everyone is different i suppose.Im just not impressed with all these semi-obvious studies like better diet,postive thinking,excersing etc cures helps depression......uh ya if i dident have mind blowing anxiety i would be out socializing,im not choosing to hang out by myself,but this is a study needed to be done in colleges by teams of professionals?
Studys like this is why were getting no where,lets get some tests devolped,lets keep studying the differences we can see in an ill patient opposed to a healthy one,lets get some real answers,and maybe our kids wont have to carry a bottle of klonopin on them.