Posted by fires on July 16, 2004, at 10:49:17
one giant leap for the "mentally" ill.
Just have to tell this story. I was recently shocked and dumbfounded when I recently saw my med. records from a nearby University med. center. The Resident Pdoc had Dxed me with "somataform" disorder, without telling me so. What?
I complained too much about my physical symptoms, apparently. Anyway, my Pdoc ignored the following FACTS: 1) Too much Effexor was responsible for some of the symptoms (they went away when my dose was lowered) 2) I had OBJECTIVE data (x-rays, biopsy, cardiac event recorder data, BP and Pulse data) to support nearly all of my physical complaints.
I'd urge everyone who reads this to never accept a DX of Somataform Disorder because it can not be proven with OBJECTIVE tests. It is a SUBJECTIVE disorder. The recommended treatment is still largely psychobabble. (Which is why I posted this here).
I recently saw a new Pdoc for the first time, because my Resident was no longer able to see me.
I've stated her before that therapy in the past did little for my Dep.. I didn't point out just how much it may have helped me with assertiveness.
When I saw my new Pdoc (recommended by my internist-- BTW, all of you in therapy do see an MD once in a while to make sure your therapist isn't missing a physical/brain/"mental" disorder -- right???), I told her first thing that my last Pdoc had Dxed me with Somataform, and I gave her ALL copies of my records.
I then told her that if she believed that I truly had somataform, then I did not wish to become a patient of hers. I also told her that if at any point in the future she believed that I had somataform, I would cease being a patient of hers. She said it was way to early for her to DX that condition. I said fine and we are now working on adjusting my meds.
I would urge everyone in therapy for SUBJECTIVE Dxes to be wary of such DXes that can not be OBJECTIVELY proven. That's all.
Finally, I don't desire to hear from anyone with a Dx of Somataform, if one is content with that Dx. My intent is not to try and change anyone's Dx - merely to alert others to the problems with Dxing a patient with only subjective data.
Health and joy to all, including my ex-Pdoc