Posted by leeran on May 7, 2003, at 15:21:17
In reply to Re: somatic/neurologic/emotional » Eddie Sylvano, posted by Dinah on May 7, 2003, at 10:09:08
Re: physical vs. emotional -
I've definitely had times when I feel worse physically than emotionally and it is probably due to depression (or whatever name/s my psychiatrist has written down to label my black cloud).
Then, there are other periods of time when I feel worse mentally/emotionally than physically (that pretty much describes my state of affairs since mid-March).
I know that some of my symptoms are due to early menopause but I really wish I could separate which ones are menopause-related and which others are depression-related. I'm not sure why this has become important to me here lately. Maybe because this last period has seemed stronger on the emotional side and I'm scared of the thought of early Alzheimer's as well as early menopause.
Until I went on Wellbutrin I would often come home after taking my son to school and immediately go back to bed for two hours (thank God I've worked at home during this menopausal period). I simply couldn't stay awake. I really feel like that was hormonal with some depression/icing to top it off.
Because my belief system wavers back and forth (and I'm so "spongey" to everything I read) I also wonder about the yin/yang and qi aspect of things, namely, my own qi being out of balance. I've had acupuncture before and it has done wonders but it's so expensive and I get so tired of trotting home with my receipts for the next thing that's going to make me "feel better."
Funny this should be mentioned. Just this morning I was thinking about a book I read several years ago (1996-7) by a doctor who stated that the hardest people to treat in his weight loss practice were those suffering from depression. I wish I could remember the exact quote and which book it was in (I still have the book along with twenty other diet books). It may have had something to do with a slower metabolism due to depression or it may have just been his observations with different patients over the years.
This was one of the first times I realized that depression can be truly physical (I had just started Prozac and couldn't believe my internist's diagnosis of depression versus something else that was making me so weary).
Oh yeah, I think a lot of my stress/anxiety comes out in the form of teenage-like acne as well. I just got home from the dermatologist with yet another prescription (not Accutane, since he said he wouldn't dare add it to the cocktail du jour).
Last note of this disjointed post - Dinah, do you think part of what you're feeling might be due to the diabetes and blood sugar issues?