Psycho-Babble Medication by Dr. Bob
This is a message board for mutual support and education.
It focuses on medication-related issues.
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Posts from archive 19981201
- Codeine for depression? Delphine 6/12/98
- Naltrexone Rachel 7/20/98
- Serzone and MDMA Nicole 10/16/98
- Effexor withdrawal - very bad news janey 11/1/98
- TCA and MAOI Combo?? Help anyone? Annie 11/11/98
- Meridia (sibutramine) and anti-depressant ? Toby? janey 11/12/98
- changing antidepressants...when severely depressed Anna 11/15/98
- Remeron for OCD (includes response to Toby) Matt 12/1/98
- question for the docs Toby 12/1/98
- Bad drugs Ron 12/1/98
- Toby, last posting disappeared to November Archive DL 12/1/98
- My history & advice needed from Toby, Dr. Bob, etc Michael Schell 12/2/98
- Celexa and Alcohol Mike 12/3/98
- tyrosine/stimulants;hydroxytryptophan/ssri's Paul 12/3/98
- sildenafil- novel stimulant -any info? Maureen 12/4/98
- fish oil/ phospholipid schizophrenia hypothesis Thomas Rodd 12/4/98
- EMDR/Meds Susan 12/4/98
- Automatic email notifications Dr. Bob 12/7/98
- ask my doc for benzos? Darrell 12/7/98
- Different foods for different moods? Mike 12/8/98
- Vitamin Lyzine??? Connie Hammond, R.Ph. 12/8/98
- Dual Diagnosis Carol Palmer 12/8/98
- "mild form" of epilepsy Paul 12/10/98
- migraine & ADD Jeanine 12/11/98
- "Renewtrient" substitute for GHB therapy Pat 12/11/98
- New Adult ADD Drug Barbara 12/11/98
- adderall elizabeth 12/12/98
- Dr. Bob Danielle 12/14/98
- medications candice 12/14/98
- Effexor & decreased effect because of other drugs Susan 12/15/98
- Frustration with treatment - name change/Liza Liza 12/15/98
- Substance P Jack 12/15/98
- The Plumber! Peter 12/16/98
- "The Fly": Newbie Serzone Patient question! Ms. Macdonald 12/16/98
- Paxil, Ritalin and indifference Phil 12/16/98
- What is EMDR? Victoria 12/16/98
- Need opinion from Docs Phil 12/18/98
- Also... Phil 12/18/98
- Thanks phil 12/19/98
- ADULT w/ ADD & MEDS; ADDERALL 15MGS NO EFFECT!! joshua 12/19/98
- Comments from readers Dr. Bob 12/21/98
- *** C R S *** Janice Bledsoe 12/23/98
- *** C R S *** Janice Bledsoe 12/25/98
- Effexor for OCD...Any thoughts Brandon 12/25/98
- Miserable and alone on Christmas racer 12/25/98
- Benzos addiction shelley 12/25/98
- Racer, how are u doing? keep us posted a friend 12/25/98
- effexor - thanks v 12/26/98
- Panic, Prozac & Remeron and Kava Kava???? Anne 12/26/98
- Reckless on Paxil? Celia 12/26/98
- Hey, Doctors, can you suggest? (Toby? Please?) racer 12/26/98
- Prozac and Serzone Charlotte 12/28/98
- Patient Involvement racer 12/29/98
- Buspar, your experiences. MrZest 12/30/98
- Toby-Dr.Bob, EFA's for ADHD? Mistica 12/30/98
- Flying fast, free, and fearless Rocket Nan 12/30/98
- last ?? for a while (I hope!): trazadone? racer 12/30/98
- thank you michele maureen 12/30/98
- Sabril Approval Tim Phillips 12/31/98
- Another question: effexor? trazadone? (docs?) racer 12/31/98
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Babbletime: Wed Mar 12 21:57:59 CDT 2025
Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
URL: http://www.dr-bob.org/babble
Copyright 1998-2017 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.