Posted by Shortelise on February 9, 2005, at 12:51:32
In reply to An Update, posted by daisym on February 8, 2005, at 22:55:17
Daisy, is there any way to get help with some practical things? Maybe you already have help - of course I don't know, but would there be someone who could come in and help you at home?
For me, it is sometimes the practical stuff that gets me, and if I can get a hand with that, the rest seems easier, even the mind stuff. I mean, if I can think about the things I talk to my T about wihtout having at the back of my mind that - what will I make for dinner, and oh, I forgot to buy bread, and do I have any flour, and damn, if I don't pay the gas bill soon, I won't be able to cook anyway, and I have to wash the sheets or they might pack up and leave home, etc - it's easier.
If it's of any help, it's been the times of crisis where I have made the most progress in therapy those times when everything seems closer to the skin.
You know how you do it, you know what it costs you. I wish I could help. You don't by any chance live in Western Canada, do you?