Posted by Wittgenstein on September 7, 2007, at 7:28:14
In reply to Re: Something about the day after therapy.... » sunnydays, posted by JoniS on September 7, 2007, at 7:06:18
What a lovely response from your T. I bet it must have made you feel good :)
I often get the post-session blues - sometimes it's worse than others depending on how the session goes (I've just come back from T - feel good).
I first go over everything in my head, usually while sitting on the train on my way home - cringe for having said certain things and feel annoyed with myself for having avoided other things... then I try to put myself back in that lovely comforting space with someone so understanding and empathetic - that feeling of being accepted, which I think for quite a few of us is the first time we've felt this way - a lovely safe feeling.
But then... I sometimes find myself doubting afterwards - was it an illusion - what does he really think under his caring exterior and then I worry and feel a need to touch base again. I often worry that my T doesn't really believe what I tell him or finds me ridiculous or pathetic (not that he has ever done anything to suggest this - it's just a fear) - I suppose a cycle of trust and distrust - I want to trust him and feel accepted but I suppose I still nag that it's all an illusion. Having our T's mean so much to us of course makes us vulnerable - but then again, without this level of need/dependence would we really be able to get the work done that needs to be done?
Take care,