Shown: posts 1 to 20 of 20. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by jay on April 26, 2002, at 18:20:56
Can anyone point me to *reliable and accurate* (non-biased) info on any bad effects of say LSD or magic shrooms in combination with antidpressants? Rock concert season is coming as summer is, and I know it's not the healthiest to be taking these things as a person with mental illness, but I *know* I will indulge. Please...can someone even relate any story's? I am on Welbutrin, Zyprexa, and prn clonazepam for a major anxiety disorder and major depression. I am pretty stable.(Touch wood!)
Posted by Phil on April 27, 2002, at 8:22:16
In reply to LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by jay on April 26, 2002, at 18:20:56
Jay, You should search the archives on this one as it has come up several times. I don't know the answer but I did acid and mushrooms 2 decades ago. I personally wouldn't try mixing it but I'm not as bullet-proof as I was in my 20's.
The archives should give you an answer. Try to find posts by st. james, he was very knowledgeable in this and most other med questions.
If there was no mental illness in the world, I think if everybody tripped once, the world might be a better place. That's just my opinion but I remember thinking that so many times on acid. It can be so good. I will add though that when a younger person asks me about it, I never encourage it but know they will do what they want.
Set and setting is the key. If you aren't centered or get to a place you don't like, it can really freak people out, right? If you are depressed, acid is not for you. That I know from experience.
Posted by paxvox2000 on April 27, 2002, at 20:33:17
In reply to LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by jay on April 26, 2002, at 18:20:56
Hmmmmmmmmm......... OK, Jay, I wasn't going to respond to your post. But WHY IN HELL would you take a hallucinogen if you are being treated for anxiety? Geezzz.. do you bungie jump for sh*ts and giggles too? I hear Russian roulette can give you quite a charge too.
OK, now that I've vented that, I'll answer your question. In my experience, and from my understanding, hallucinogens will amplify whatever mood you are in when you take them. So, as have been posted, setting is critical to not totally spazing out. I did acid once about 22 years ago, and it was the worst 15 hours of my life. I've done shrooms and pot too in the day, and I know there were times that went bad as well. However, all that was before I was taking any meds. I do take Wellbutrin now, and personally, I think you will be putting a tax on your cardiovascular system by the addition of acid etc.... as WB has psychostimulant properties. I think it's a poor decision, and an unnecessary risk. And I would ask: why are you taking legit meds if you don't want a "normal" mental status? If you want to live in a blur, then scrap the AD meds and go street-hoping. Sorry if you think I'm being harsh, but I think you are being stupid (albeit, you did have at least an inkling of thought when you made this post). I could tell you all my personal horror stories with self-medication, but that's not what you were asking about. That's it for now.Fire away.
Posted by jonh kimble on April 28, 2002, at 1:50:39
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.. » jay, posted by paxvox2000 on April 27, 2002, at 20:33:17
well jay, the last post may have been harsh, but its basically true. ive done acid/ mush about 15 times in the past 2 years( but nothing in the past 6 months), and i have some general anxiety and depression so i know the combo. basically i would say to myself "acid/ mush will be an awesome trip, the creativity and philosophical insight, the hallucinations, and i know i can get paranoid but im experienced enough to handle that right?" WRONG!!! I would always end up in this absolute paranoia and complete hopelessness that i am very suprised i never did myself any serious harm.
you may be different, but maybe you can relate to this feeling. remember this and dont do anything hasty, like other posts said, setting and mood before hand play a big part. i know i sound like a mom here but this is very important. myself i will never forget the creativity and thrill these drugs gave me, and maybe some day when im all better ill try them again.
yes, acid/ mush can be VERY enlightening, creative, and the odd time even very euphoric. but most times the trip turned out so unenjoyable that i would swear i would never do hallucinogens again. both the best and worst moments of my life have been on these, but unfortunatly, they usually turned out bad.
Posted by Phil on April 28, 2002, at 10:21:13
In reply to LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by jay on April 26, 2002, at 18:20:56
I used to get upset at people who asked a question like your's above. It was before PBC or I would have been booted big time.
My gut instinct is you could have a really good night, a possile nightmarish existence for 12 hours, or you could do irreperable harm. Like the others said, do some research.
Hope the site helps
Posted by BarbaraCat on April 28, 2002, at 13:02:16
In reply to LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by jay on April 26, 2002, at 18:20:56
Hi Jay,
As someone who has definitely been 'experienced' (I was at Woodstock and it didn't stop there), I have some knowledge in this area. I've had magical wonderful trips and I've also been stuck in the outhouses of Hell, most occurring when I was not on ADs but had a propensity towards instability and depression.First of all, the site referenced by Phil is a good site, however their bias is for promoting hallucinogens, so it will be difficult getting an adverse opinion. The way that acid, psilocybin, etc., work is on the serotonin system, flooding the synaptic cleft with the neurotransmitter. It's a bit risky to fool around with this system if you've been trying to balance it through antidepressants.
I've dropped acid a few times while taking ADs and didn't have any adverse effects, enjoyed myself, felt wiped out for a few days - nothing too eventful. I also did ecstacy a few times as well, with the same outcome. MDMA, ecstacy, actually depletes the serotonin in the brain and I had a rough couple of days afterwards, felt very depressed, sleep was disrupted, but nothing terrible. I've mainly stopped since about 15 years ago, but the most recent event was a year ago New Year's Eve. I was in a good place emotionally and in a good environment. I'm also 50 years old, and healthy. It didn't harm me and I had a blast. I doubt I'll ever do this again, but who knows? As long as I'm feeling good psychically and physically I'm not worried, but then again, have no need or desire to partake of this particular gift at this stage of my life.
If you're going to indulge, then by all means build up your system, take plenty of vitamins, get sleep, prepare. In other words, because you're on ADs it's anyone's guess how the outcome will be. You may experience a rougher ride, or you may enjoy a neuroprotective effect. Who knows with such a potent, non-standardized, and wizardly substance? Also, if you're going to do it, be wise about it and don't overdo. Taking it too often is a sure ride to depletion and trouble. Take good care of yourself, honor your body, mind and the hallucinogen with respect as if you were preparing to partake in a sacred rite. Because, anything that can blow open your doors so powerfully deserves honor and respect. If you're gonna do it, for Pete's sake, don't worry or fret about it - dance your fanny off!!
anyone point me to *reliable and accurate* (non-biased) info on any bad effects of say LSD or magic shrooms in combination with antidpressants? Rock concert season is coming as summer is, and I know it's not the healthiest to be taking these things as a person with mental illness, but I *know* I will indulge. Please...can someone even relate any story's? I am on Welbutrin, Zyprexa, and prn clonazepam for a major anxiety disorder and major depression. I am pretty stable.(Touch wood!)
> Thanks
> Jay
Posted by jay on April 29, 2002, at 2:54:17
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.. » jay, posted by BarbaraCat on April 28, 2002, at 13:02:16
Thanks very much all for your kind and honest responses. I know, it really is kinda stupid risking messing up myelf more, as I have had such different experiences in the past...some good..some horrible..some great. I think inside myself, I still honestly don't feel I have reached the plain of happiness and insight I want..kinda far from it. Maybe I am sorta looking for that chunk of insight, or whatever, and acid provided it once before, and a few times on shrooms. But, I have had my bad trips also, but even still, it's like I crave those good ones. Hell, I think about them so much. They are like those moments of clarity, where life is just this 'nothingness', a serene ride and you can say anything and it makes such sense.Maybe I am in a bit of danger, and should try to get myself feeling much better and *then* I can decide if I wanna indulge. I appreciate your posts, because I don't think I would have come to that conclusion without thinking more about my current state. I sometimes think, "well...what have I got to lose??", and remember the hells of the deep, depressive and sometimes suicidal hangovers, even after a good time and trip. It's like it takes me a few weeks to recover *sometimes*...and again may not be good to risk. Well, anyways thanks again, I have some thinking to do. I never have been this way about most drugs, as I just did them and didn't give a f**k. Maybe that's gotta change.. Thanks
Posted by Phil on April 29, 2002, at 6:50:27
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.ALL who posted.., posted by jay on April 29, 2002, at 2:54:17
a serene ride and you can say anything and it makes such sense.
I had a cassette tape for years of 3 close friends and I tripping. You can imagine!!
We had 'Down on Me' by Janis blaring in my friends Malibu, all four of us were talking at the same time, didn't seem to be a problem, and occasionally we'd all break out in this psychotic burst of laughter. Back at the duplex, one of my friends was saying what a windfall we would have by getting portable ashtrays that attached to your belt. Howls of laughter.
We lived on the coast. My friend had surfboard racks on the top of his car; held on by wing nuts.
Two friends wanted to ride up there and hold on to the racks. My friend and I were inside w/ Led Zepplin blaring. He got into a bit of a rush and was going about 80 mph! Our friends were literally flying off the roof, or close to it and were beating on the top of the car for us to stop. When we did, we all 4 realized that we would never be on a commitee that splits the atom. We were all very scared and stupid doen't quite do our behavior justice. Sorry, this is pb.
I don't advocate those drugs these days cause I was scared sh$tless once on shrooms, but I won't lie and say it wasn't fun then.
Posted by paxvox2000 on April 29, 2002, at 16:09:30
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.ALL who posted.., posted by jay on April 29, 2002, at 2:54:17
OK, Jay, ,I'm going to get the rest of my dime's worth, and thanks for not getting all defensive about my post to you. It was "harsh" but it was meant to be. My point, however, is that I think you are taking a needless risk for a little bit of fun. I know well about how drugs can make you feel, and I'll add this one little story, then I will leave you be to do what you will. About 20 years or so ago, I smoked pot ALL day long for about 5 years. So much so that being "high" became my "normal" state of mind. A older friend cautioned me that indeed, that was what I was doing, creating a separate reality. He added that one day I would wake up, and notice I had affected my brain so deeply that it would have long-term (life time?) effects. He was right. I never had anxiety or panic disorders before until I had run that pattern for years. Today, 20 some years later, I really belive that my thinking patterns,and my ability to deal with stress has been adversely changed. I do not think it is a coincidence. If I had a chance for a "do over", I'm pretty sure I would have layed off the heavy use. I'm not saying that smoking weed every now and then would have been a problem, but I honestly believe that my mental status today is at least partly attributable to my drug use then. Acid? I would rather be locked in a trunk for 12 hours than to take it. My point is, don't let meds or street drugs "become" you, or your life. It's just not worth it. Hope you will think about all of this, and I would be happy to respond to any questions you have.
Posted by Phil on April 29, 2002, at 17:58:38
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.ALL who posted.. » jay, posted by paxvox2000 on April 29, 2002, at 16:09:30
I wouldn't get near acid with the kinds of drugs I take. When I was 21, way different story.
Pax, I don't think there's any credible evidence anywhere that shows that chronic pot smoking will cause brain damage. It will make you apathetic and can give you respiratory problems but not brain damage. Now, if you drank alcohol, the acceptable way to ruin your life in America, every day, all day for 5 years, you probably wouldn't be here.
There's too much misinformation about pot so I try to set the record straight.
Posted by IsoM on April 29, 2002, at 17:59:21
In reply to LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by jay on April 26, 2002, at 18:20:56
Jay, I read your post earlier but didn't feel ready to comment - today I feel strong enough to mentally compose what I'd like to say.
You're probably young enough to want to have some extra fun at these concerts - and I understand as I did the whole lot when young & silly. It never occured to me then that any of this could actually alter my DNA or seriously affect my body chemistry. Hey, I never asked questions - just took the stuff & enjoyed.
I can't say how many times I dropped acid - not like Leary but I've done lots - mescaline, STP, MDA, speed (once only) & all the hash & weed there was. Many days, I was stoned fromwaking till sleep. Strangely, I think I've come out of it all unscathed. (yeah, I know I have problems but they were there before I took drugs.)
But of all the drugs I took, I still remember my favourite - speed. It was because it alone felt SO SO GOOD, that I was scared to ever take it again as I knew it was highly addictive. Why was speed my favourite? Cause it was the only one that made me feel "normal". I felt focused & clear-headed on it. Now that I'm a lot older, the clear-headed, focused mental state is the one I prefer. It was the only time that I felt like I was in control of myself totally. I'd rather enjoy myself now with my full faculties, not fuzzed out. Yeah, the hallucinations were awfully pretty, & the perspective on things was mind-blowing, but I can do all that now ('cept the hallucinations) without drugs.
As all the others have said, the setting, the moods & company of your companions, & your own mental state is everything. Screw up one of those & a happy high can become a real 'bummer' in no time at all.
Posted by jay on April 30, 2002, at 17:18:22
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.ALL who posted.., posted by Phil on April 29, 2002, at 6:50:27
Yes, I really know what you mean. I guess, after some thinking, I may best to possibly avoid the
"roller coaster" ride...which I am sure will lead to yet another breakdown. Even if I have a good trip, my mental health may not be prepared for the up then down. I do find I get a bit of a 'buzz' from using benzo's with my antidepressants, and very rarely, take a few extra when I am going out to a party or something.
(I do this as needed, and benzos are so absolutely safe...) I honestly wonder what a trip of shrooms and an extra-strength dose of a strong benzo like Xanax would feel like. :-)Ahh yes...your memories bring back my own! Going on 'road-trips', camping in the Canadian wilderness, and taking a few days off to just go tripin, with good friends, underneath the stars and in a summer night. Awwwwwwwwwww :-) Such a care-a-less feeling, and I mean that careless feeling was so *intense*. I ceased to worry about living, and it's like my life revolved around those moments. I guess that can be a dangerous thing too, though.
I am 32, and I guess I am at that age where I do want to bring back some of my youthful qualities, ones that where robbed from 10 or so years of a deep depression and major anxiety. Damn, we don't get those years back, and I want to kick this f'ing depression's ass to hell. Well, I am sure we all want to do that.
I know what you mean, you can't lie and say your experiences weren't enjoyable, but with our fragile mental health, maybe it's better not to maybe cause more problems that we didn't experience back then.
I think I will still enjoy my pot and hash, as those are just great party favours, and even with those I really only save them for a good time once in awhile. Of course can never make promises,
but I feel I have a bit better perspective on this. I have never talked with any folks openly who used recreational drugs, and where also on Rx drugs for a mental illness, so this has been a mjor help.Thanks for your story and thoughts.. :-)
Take care..
Jay> jay,
> a serene ride and you can say anything and it makes such sense.
> ~~~~~~~~
> I had a cassette tape for years of 3 close friends and I tripping. You can imagine!!
> We had 'Down on Me' by Janis blaring in my friends Malibu, all four of us were talking at the same time, didn't seem to be a problem, and occasionally we'd all break out in this psychotic burst of laughter. Back at the duplex, one of my friends was saying what a windfall we would have by getting portable ashtrays that attached to your belt. Howls of laughter.
> We lived on the coast. My friend had surfboard racks on the top of his car; held on by wing nuts.
> Two friends wanted to ride up there and hold on to the racks. My friend and I were inside w/ Led Zepplin blaring. He got into a bit of a rush and was going about 80 mph! Our friends were literally flying off the roof, or close to it and were beating on the top of the car for us to stop. When we did, we all 4 realized that we would never be on a commitee that splits the atom. We were all very scared and stupid doen't quite do our behavior justice. Sorry, this is pb.
> I don't advocate those drugs these days cause I was scared sh$tless once on shrooms, but I won't lie and say it wasn't fun then.
Posted by jay on April 30, 2002, at 17:35:49
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.. » jay, posted by IsoM on April 29, 2002, at 17:59:21
> Jay, I read your post earlier but didn't feel ready to comment - today I feel strong enough to mentally compose what I'd like to say.
> You're probably young enough to want to have some extra fun at these concerts - and I understand as I did the whole lot when young & silly. It never occured to me then that any of this could actually alter my DNA or seriously affect my body chemistry. Hey, I never asked questions - just took the stuff & enjoyed.
> I can't say how many times I dropped acid - not like Leary but I've done lots - mescaline, STP, MDA, speed (once only) & all the hash & weed there was. Many days, I was stoned fromwaking till sleep. Strangely, I think I've come out of it all unscathed. (yeah, I know I have problems but they were there before I took drugs.)
> But of all the drugs I took, I still remember my favourite - speed. It was because it alone felt SO SO GOOD, that I was scared to ever take it again as I knew it was highly addictive. Why was speed my favourite? Cause it was the only one that made me feel "normal". I felt focused & clear-headed on it. Now that I'm a lot older, the clear-headed, focused mental state is the one I prefer. It was the only time that I felt like I was in control of myself totally. I'd rather enjoy myself now with my full faculties, not fuzzed out. Yeah, the hallucinations were awfully pretty, & the perspective on things was mind-blowing, but I can do all that now ('cept the hallucinations) without drugs.
> As all the others have said, the setting, the moods & company of your companions, & your own mental state is everything. Screw up one of those & a happy high can become a real 'bummer' in no time at all.
Hmm..sounds a bit like you where self-medicating with the speed. As I recall, you had ADD, right?
Activating drugs never did alot to me...never bothered with the likes of coke or crack. One drug I was tempted to try a second time was smoking opium. Ya, the neddleless heroin, but I absolutely knew it would become a daily habit...I *just* knew. I have also never done ecstasy, and this was the only drug I ever feared, more than acid, just because I had seen friends with the 'hangover'...and knew somebody who slipped into a suicidal depression after casual use.This is all individual of course, and that is what the "War on Drugs" people don't seem to get. I certainly don't regret my experiments, but at this point in time, I maybe should hold off until I become a bit more stable. I thought I was doing well, but the past week has been a hell for me, and thinking about these things, it just doesn't seem I should f**k around with my fragile mental health. Mind you...I will still go on to enjoy pot and hash, esp at friends or parties, but I am not getting younger...I am 32, and I have responsibilities that I didn't have 10-15 years ago.
ANyhow...thanks for your reply!
Posted by BarbaraCat on April 30, 2002, at 21:00:09
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.. » IsoM, posted by jay on April 30, 2002, at 17:35:49
Opium, now there's a sweet little high. Haven't done it for many years but I have fond memories of vivid technicolor 3-D dream states and such a nice warm feeling. Thought briefly of growing my own little poppy field even. But those days are just a memory since I can't even smoke pot anymore without feeling kinda wired and weird. Which brings me to the subject of this post.
With all the meds we take for our depression, anxiety, whatever, very few of them feel good in and of themselves. They just seem to dull our senses or bring to us to an emotional ground zero. Maybe that's intentional on the drug developer's part (or DEA's) - wouldn't want the masses to go feeling too good.
Since we as a species have always sought transcendence through herbal or chemical methods it stands to reason that we always will. It would be nice if there existed a substance that really took the edge off, felt very nice, was healthy for us, wasn't addictive and didn't cause a hangover. I think the closest is exercise, but sometimes a body just wants to sink back, take the load off and feel legally blissed out. Oh yes, there are the multitudes who would save our weak willed selves from wallowing in the stuff, but that's up to us ultimately. We pay the price for abuse and it's up to us to control it. All we really have that's legal is alcohol and that's a pretty pitful state of affairs. I enjoy the site because it discusses all this intelligently.
In the meantime I dutifully take my handful of antidepressants, anti-anxiety, sleep aids, etc. For all that drug power you'd think there'd at least be a pleasant buzz to be had. I used to feel pretty good and learned alot of metaphysical lessons from my forays into the more cosmic drug panoply. But now all we readily have are the dulling meds that don't do a thing for 'feeding our heads'. So what's wrong with this picture?
Posted by Phil on May 1, 2002, at 6:30:03
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.ALL who posted.. » Phil, posted by jay on April 30, 2002, at 17:18:22
Jay, That had to be unreal. I was on the gulf coast. Four of us sat on a one lane farm road, freshly plowed dirt on either side, and talked for about 6 hours. I remember seeing and smelling the dirt. It was like the sea, kinda moving in wavy, up & down movements and that earthy smell.
Best, warmest conversation I've ever had and yes, I have no idea what we talked about.
First trip on shrooms, 1972.
I guess we've strayed from a pb subject but I love bs'ing.Take care
Posted by Elizabeth on May 3, 2002, at 1:13:45
In reply to LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by jay on April 26, 2002, at 18:20:56
Actually, Wellbutrin is one of the few antidepressants that don't have appreciable interactions with these psychedelics. (If you're really worried about cardiovascular effects, check your pulse every so often.)
SSRIs can greatly decrease the effects of LSD and psilocybin. Usual doses of these psychedelics often have no appreciable effect on people who are taking MAOIs. Tricyclic antidepressants and lithium sometimes have been associated with unpleasant reactions to psychedelics, and I'd avoid them in combination with these antidepressants. The information on the subject that's posted at is pretty much consistent with what little research has been done. I don't think you have to worry about "permanent brain damage" or anything of the sort.
The Klonopin should not cause any problems for you, either. I'm not so sure about the Zyprexa. You may find that the psychedelic experience diminishes.
It's really hard for people to give accurate advice about the possible effects of psychedelics on another person, particularly if the person giving the advice hasn't ever used them before. But here's my $0.02: I think psychedelics aren't the best idea if you're actively depressed -- they're too unpredictable. If you're taking ADs and are well and stable again, though, I don't see the harm. Indeed, it's considered a good sign if you're able to enjoy the activities you enjoyed before becoming depressed. If you're somewhat better but not fully recovered...well, use your judgment. Be sure that you're feeling okay when you ingest the stuff (lots of good advice about set and setting in this thread). And try a low-end dose at first (always a good idea).
Posted by Elizabeth on May 3, 2002, at 1:49:25
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.. » jay, posted by IsoM on April 29, 2002, at 17:59:21
This thread has actually produced a lot fewer false claims, misconceptions, erroneous assumptions, etc. than you will see in most discussions relating to recreational drug use. I only saw a few of them here -- good job guys!
For the record:
There's little evidence to support the notion that long-term marijuana use leads to an "apathy syndrome."
LSD does not alter your DNA. It does not cause people to have children with birth defects or anything like that.
The psychedelics in question do not simply take whatever mood you're in and amplify it. If they did, they'd be predictable! :-) There is the potential for intensification of normal moods, though, so set and setting are crucial.
In a healthy person, the cardiovascular effects of Wellbutrin and LSD generally will not be an issue. Wellbutrin is a bit of a stimulant, but it doesn't affect the CV system so much -- I've heard of people taking it safely with amphetamine (Dexedrine or Adderall), even.
Also, just so you won't end up being surprised, when people are tripping they often don't feel a normal dose of benzos at all. A big dose of benzos can "bring you down" from a bad trip, but I'm not sure how big it's supposed to be! (Antipsychotics have also been used; I think this is mostly, if not entirely, unnecessary since benzos are so much safer.)
If you're experienced with these drugs already (and it sounded like you are, Jay), then you know already what kinds of effects they can have. Unless they've triggered serious reactions in you before, the risk is infinitessimal. Note: I'm assuming that you're well or mostly-well, not just partially remitted. If you're still having some serious problems, you should be extra-careful. Not saying you should forget the idea entirely -- but definitely don't take the psychedelics if you're having a bad day at the time.
Although it may be fun, I *don't* think that reading other people's trip stories (or pot smoking stories!) or hearing about their fears is going to help you come to a reasonable decision for yourself, because everyone reacts differently to this stuff (and most of the fears people have aren't rational anyway).
Posted by Phil on May 3, 2002, at 6:38:53
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by Elizabeth on May 3, 2002, at 1:49:25
I think I gave reasonable advice with my stories.
Sometimes I like to BS. I don't think it hurt anyone. Most just probably skipped it. I'm ADD and will veer all over sometimes, used to drive my therapy group nuts, so I quit.Phil
Thanks for being on this board.
Posted by fairnymph on May 4, 2002, at 19:00:39
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by Elizabeth on May 3, 2002, at 1:13:45
If any of you are curious about what recreational drugs can be combined (relatively) safely with your antidepressant, I wrote a comprehensive guide (it covers even the newer ADs) which you can read here:
Posted by Elizabeth on May 6, 2002, at 15:29:34
In reply to Re: LSD and Antidepressants.., posted by fairnymph on May 4, 2002, at 19:00:39
fairnymph --
I haven't read your page on drug interactions thoroughly, but it looks pretty good at a glace. If you would like I can take a closer look, as I did see some errors, particularly in the section on interactions with MAOIs (this is only to be expected, with all the misinformation that has become so widespread about MAOI interactions, but I thought it might be helpful for you to be aware of this).
The exaggerated claims that are often made about drug interactions, particularly (though not exclusively) those involving MAOIs, are a serious problem, not simply a matter of "better safe than sorry." This is because once people realize that *some* of the interactions they've been warned about are nonexistent or inconsequential, they are liable to stop taking *any* of the warnings seriously (and possibly, as a result, to do something that really could cause them harm).
It's good of you to take the time and effort to post this list of drug interactions on the web, and as I said, I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
This is the end of the thread.
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