Posted by sunny10 on January 27, 2005, at 14:32:35
In reply to And now I know, posted by Susan47 on January 27, 2005, at 13:58:52
> I know why I've never really been in love with anyone in my life before, ever. Including my parents my siblings, everyone. Love is much more serious than those attachments.
*******Love is what we make it, some attachments are more important, thus more "serious"*******> It means a validation of who I am.
********No one can validate who you are other than you. Others can only offer to support you while you do this for yourself**************> A person who has to live up to who I know myself to be.
*****Only you can decide what your boundaries are, and have the right to demand that the person you are treating with loving respect also treat you with loving respect**********> It takes a lot of knowledge of another to build love.
> I've never known anyone I wanted to know long enough to build that knowledge that leads to loving.**********You have to know YOURSELF well enough to love another, and you need to give yourself permission to be wrong about people sometimes. Sometimes people AREN'T worthy of your love. And you have the right to feel badly that the relationship that you had hoped this would be didn't happen and that you have the right to keep trying until you find the one you can work with for the rest of your life.
> Love starts to come, then it goes.
> It never seems to outlast time,
> or my growing self-knowledge.
> Changes.
> And awareness.
**********And I truly hope that BOTH of us continue to grow, and change, and become more aware of toxic relationships of every kind. Including the worst one... the one we have with ourselves. I'm AWARE of mine- still a work in progress. And I think I am becoming more and more convinced that that's what we all are. Works in progress all of our lives; some kowledge comes easily, some takes longer to learn...Stick with me, Suze, we'll work on it together as we go along!
-I'll be logging off soon... I'll be back tomorrow.