Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on September 12, 2007, at 12:44:16
I was in the parking lot for pdoc appt and I'm messing with my hair in the rearview mirror and I sense that there is some person standing next to the car. (aside- the car is parked at the far end of the lot to protect gleaming paint job).
It was my T !!!! :0 !!! He was admiring my hot rod (yes, llurpsie drives a hot rod...) and asking me about the car while we walked to the office (he and pdoc share the parking lot. OMG. and I forgot my purse in my car, and I had to walk all the way back to get it.
@)(#$&*@#%(@#$&!!! and he looked really handsome in the sunshine!)@#U&#%(!@$&!@#$(@!$ make this go away. But a woman can admire the way a man looks without having romantic feelin's towards him (please?)
Okay, I think I got all the curses out of me now. the embarASSment. (don't you dare give me a PBC- that's how the word is spelled!!!) The stumbling muttering llurpsienoodle caught off guard in a vulnerable place, almost late for my appt because the alarm didn't go off (because I didn't set it). and T. T!!!!! admiring my hotrod in the parking lot.
I have a lot of embarASSment about the hotrod. It's not really my personality. I don't need so many horsepower, although I was grinning when I went from 40-80mph and blew by this guy when merging on the freeway...
okay. I stop now.
And stop laughing at me. I SEE you!!!